Tuesday, December 28, 2010


This angel was created to replace the previous smaller one which sold and also as a good luck charm for my garden to bring an end to the terrible drought! Guess what it has definitely worked this year, we have had more rain than ever!

Little Angel

I created this little angel after walking through my scrap heap and stumbling across the bent head piece and the worn shovel which made perfect wings. I manufactured the hands from a horse shoe and the skirt from old bed wire. I regret selling this one too, but have made a much larger version which now resides in my garden.

Seated Figure

I went through a period where I created figures this one came together well, I'm now sorry I sold it as heads like this are hard to find!


This Lyrebird was created for an exhibition at the local Grenfell Gallery and sold very quickly! It makes good use of an old garden rake.


This Seahorse was created after a trip to Tasmania where I actually had the joyous experience of holding a live seahorse in my hand at Seahorse world Beauty Point. I will never forget it!

Wedge tailed eagle

I created 'Wedgy' to sit on his nest and look toward the Weddin mountain. Before placing him in position in my garden I entered him in the local show, winning first prize against the blokes from the Men's Shed! I was very proud of myself. The organisers at the show were a bit concerned he was going to topple from his perch but he was so heavy he wasn't going anywhere!

Kurrajong pods on rusty cog

I think these kurrajong pods on the rusty cog look like mice, quite cute!

dandylions in a circle

This was difficult to acheive as it was very windy and the fragility of the seed heads made it near impossible to break the stem without them falling apart, just when I was about to give up the wind dropped. Whilst attempting this sculpture I looked across and saw 2 shingleback lizards mating in the long grass about 1 metre away trying to be inconspicuous!

Arranged gum leaves on rusty plough disk

My first attempt at a natural sculpture in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. These sculptures don't last for long but it's all in photographing the moment in time when it is created.

Shovel bird

This sculpture was a commission for a birthday present and now resides in a private garden in Mosman.
It is made from a twisted star picket, a shovel, a sleeper footplate(railway) and some horse shoes.
The birthday boy was very happy with his present!